MacGyver Mann

MacGyver Mann

Yes, his name really is MacGyver Mann. No, it isn’t a nickname. We know.

MacGyver started swing dancing back in his high school years; he was introduced to it by Corrinne on their third date and was instantly hooked. He began learning and traveling to dance more and more from around Arizona, to California and even to the Jazz Center of America, New Orleans. It has been more than a hobby for MacGyver as he has dedicated time to performing, competing and enjoying the dance by all means.

The most pivotal principle of his dancing is the love of it. MacGyver hopes to bring about that love from those he dances with, teaches, or even performs to. Becoming a dancer is more than just stepping on beat, but rather feeling the mood of the music and the connection you have with your partner. The unity and cohesion of the music and body is a playground to him. More importantly MacGyver has recognized that “being a dancer is more than just enjoying yourself, it is about making sure the people around you enjoy themselves more.”

When not dancing to save the world, MacGyver is studying for his undergrad in Finance, talking to the elderly, playing the ukulele, but most likely is spending quality time with his wife, Corrinne.